Last week, BwB Managing Director Rufus Grantham joined a roundtable at "The Energy System Accelerator" with Chris Skidmore, MP, who is leading the UK Government’s Net Zero Review focusing on delivery models for the UK’s 2050 Net Zero targets that maximise economic growth, while increasing energy security and affordability for consumers and businesses.
With a focus on the built environment, Rufus highlighted the alignment between delivering net zero and delivering economic growth through:
- Significant job creation
- Reducing cost of living and cost of operation for UK households and businesses
- Reducing healthcare cost provision and productivity drag from the effects of negative healthcare outcomes of cold, damp, draughty homes.
He also spoke about the crucial partnership needed between National and Local Government to deliver a programme of implementation that was nationally co-ordinated and funded (both public and private), but locally convened and delivered.
Finally, he advocated for a street-by-street, neighbourhood-based model of implementation removing the requirement for individual citizen funding and creating a platform for scaled institutional investment in place that could transform a disengaging “retrofit” programme into a far more engaging “regeneration” programme.
Further this model could significantly reduce the need for public sector subsidy in the transition.
Find the link to the roundtable here ->