BwB Managing Director and Global Head of Biodiversity, Food and Agriculture Alexander “Sasha” Wiese joined remotely the “Invest In Success: Innovative Finance for 30X30” event, held on 9th December 2022 in Montreal, Canada in the framework of the United Nations Biodiversity Conference.
Options for increasing investment through innovative financial mechanisms to achieve the post-2020 global biodiversity framework’s (GBF) Target 3, on protecting 30% of the world’s terrestrial and marine habitats by 2030 (the 30X30 goal), were the focus of this event.
During his presentation, Alexander “Sasha” Wiese shared examples of SSLBs linked to performance targets (KPIs), such as the reduction of annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, from Chile and from Uruguay. “Their experiences have attracted market attention, although innovation is needed for quantifying achievements in protecting nature and biodiversity”, Alexander commented.
Additionally, he cited a new proposal to apply the teachings of SSLBs to the delivery of new sustainability-linked Islamic Sukuks to target investments toward specific developments, linked to strong biodiversity-related KPIs and safeguards. “SRI-related Sukuks are poised to become increasingly relevant and attract strong customer attention”, he observed.