Retrofit and built environment
Globally, buildings are a major source of energy consumption and related pollutant emissions (source). Decarbonising the built environment is a multi-stakeholder issue which is consistently at the centre of our work with cities and local authorities. Our team has worked extensively with numerous cities around Europe developing solutions on topics such as residential, energy-efficiency and large-scale home renovation. We have designed city level-solutions for Milan and Zagreb and worked extensively with the cities of Copenhagen, Leuven, Vienna, Krakow and Edinburgh. One such solutions is the Green Neighbourhoods as a Service (“GNaaS”) concept which establishes a central contracting entity in a city or region that designs, commissions, manages and funds deep energy retrofit on a street-by-street basis with incremental community investments at no cost to the property owners, regardless of ownership and usage typology. Read more about GNaaS here and here.