How can financial innovation tackle place-based decarbonisation?
BwB’s Associate, Tommaso Buso, and Connected Places Catapult Director, Steve Turner, joined the annual CCFLA assembly at Climate Week NYC to address this pressing issue.
Starting at local scale, Steve presented insights from the Net Zero Neighbourhood (NZN) model. He discussed the challenges of engaging with local governments and energy companies, as well as the positive reception from citizens in understanding how to scale building retrofitting and attract investor interest.
Tommaso, on the other hand, highlighted the solutions offered by the Climate City Capital Hub to bridge the existing €650 billion financing gap for European city decarbonisation. Launched in June 2024, the Hub is a unique innovation in the field, delivering end-to-end assistance to cities.
The Hub has the following key features:
1. Transaction-focused approach: The Hub will facilitate transactions through four specific services: City Finance Specialists, the City Finance Framework, the Neutral Capital Center, and Technical Assistance.
3. Hub neutrality: The Hub does not charge transaction fees. It is neutral and non-competitive, allowing cities to retain the entirety of the invested capital for high-impact projects.
3. Climate alignment: The Hub is focused on climate-aligned projects only, prioritising those with the highest potential for decarbonisation.
The session was enriched by contributions from Carla Oreggo of The Lab, Mariana Silva from the Global Infrastructure Facility, and Marie Lam Frendo of Meridian, along with a robust Q&A session.
Special thanks to Alastair Mayes, John Michael LaSalle, and CCFLA for expertly hosting and moderating the discussion.
More information about the Hub can be found at https://www.bwb.earth/climatecitycapitalhub
To contact us regarding the Capital Hub or other services, visit: https://www.bwb.earth/contact